Harbor Church meets on Sundays. 9:40 AM Fellowship & Coffee, and Worship at 10 AM @ 31900 Nichols Sawmill Rd, Magnolia, TX. We would love for you to join us!


Athanasius: On the Incarnation
Discussion Questions

Who was Athanasius and when did he live?
What did he contribute to theology and church history?

Exploratory Questions:
How does Athanasius structure and make his arguments?
Why would one's view of creation influence one's view of incarnation?
Why is Christ's incarnation necessary anyway?
Equally, why are his death and resurrection necessary?
Should the death of Christ be seen as a triumph? Why or why not?

Sections 1-10:
How does the orthodox view of creation counter the Epicurean and the Platonic view?
How is God unique in being the Creator compared to how we create? (Sec. 2)
How is the doctrine of the imago dei connected to the incarnation?
Why does man’s corruption make the incarnation a necessity?
Jesus is fully God and God cannot die. Athanasius provides a theological reason for how Jesus could die, what was it?

Sections 11-19:
Why did Christ's exchange on our behalf need to be bodily?
What evidence does Athanasius supply to prove Jesus’s divinity?
Athanasius points out the marvel and mystery of Jesus’s geographical presence and omnipresence in Section 16. What is marvelous about this?
What is also marvelous about the juxtaposition of his humanity with his divinity sovereignly sustaining the universe? (Sec. 16)

Sections 20-32:
Why was Jesus crucified in such a public and cruel manner?
Why does Athanasius argue that Jesus was raised three days later?
According to Athanasisus how should believers view death?
What proof and apologetic does Athanasius offer for Jesus conquering death through martyrs?
What proof or apologetic does Athanasius offer for Jesus being alive and active?

Sections 33-56:
What Old Testament and New Testament proof does Athanasius provide for Jesus being the Messiah that stood out to you?

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