Harbor Church meets on Sundays. 9:40 AM Fellowship & Coffee, and Worship at 10 AM @ 31900 Nichols Sawmill Rd, Magnolia, TX. We would love for you to join us!

Harbor church is led by a plurality of elders (1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9), served by deacons (1 Tim.3:8-13), and is congregational (Mat. 18:15-20; Acts 6:2-6). Since we are a young church plant, we are currently in the process of filling those biblical offices and roles within the church. (Listen to a resource that explains the design and purpose of the church)


In the New Testament the term “elder” (πρεσβύτερος), “overseers” (ἐπίσκοπος), and “pastor” (ποίμνιον) refer to the same office and are used synonymously (see: Acts 20:17, 28; Titus 1:5, 7; 1 Pet. 5:1-2). Therefore, we have elected to call our elders, “elders” and “pastors” to refer to this office. The elders/pastors serve the church as the primary pastors/shepherds of the church. We see this as the biblical model put forward in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-5. The Elders lead the church through teaching the Word, preaching the Word, prayer, counseling, and setting the ministry direction. They are called to do so as humble servants, in the pattern of Jesus who came to serve rather than to be served.


The Deacons at Harbor Church function as lead servants. Deacons/deaconess serve the church through caring for the physical needs of the church (Acts 6:1-2), promoting spiritual unity (Acts 6:1-2), and supporting the ministry of the Word (Acts 6:1-2). They seek to assist the Elders as key servants within the body, but also by encouraging the members of Harbor to serve, as well. A healthy church will see many people using their gifts to serve inside and outside of the church. (Listen to a resource that describes the biblical role of deacons in the church)


Harbor Church is a congregational church, meaning that the church is made up of baptized believers who are ultimately responsible for membership, discipline, and Gospel fidelity (Mat. 18:15-20; Acts 6:2-6; 1 Cor. 5:1-5; 2 Cor. 2:5-11). Congregationalism does not mean that every member of the church is involved in everything the church does, but it does mean that the congregation shares responsibility for what the church does, the spiritual lives of the members, doctrine, discipleship, and evangelism. 

 Meet our Leadership:


Pastor- Travis Boles

Pastoral Assistants:


Eddie Nostrand (Elder  Candidate)


Tanner Lapaglia